dadàbarcelona 2018

Art to build

Idea and project © DadàBarcelona

Esther Rovira Carbonell

Images © Iris Humm

To build is to create what we inhabit and what inhabits us.

We want to be building in new ways without forgetting that we are constantly building ourselves.

Dada Barcelona summer workshops, always collaboarates with a social project that can open children to other realities and help them build a new consciousness of the world that surrounds them.

This year, Marc Morro, who, through his NGO Foundation, has worked to build furniture for schools in Senegal. My role was to color the pieces that were built. I decide the black and white color palette and let children paint free different shapes with just this two colors. As the pieces were painted separately, 0nce the chairs were assembled got different identities. letting each one a little bit of all.


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