Kamanar, 10 chairs, 10 artists, 2022


A collective exhibition, a choral and solidarity action.

10 chairs intervened by 10 artists. The intervention of each artist is inspired by anecdotes and stories, which help us to explain the pillars of the project, to understand the context of this rural area of Senegal and to know better its people.

Foundawtion, was born between the architecture studio Dawoffice, in Barcelona, and the Senegalese population of Thionck Essyl. A non-profit organization to carry out projects that meet architectural needs in economically disadvantaged areas.

Chaise S is the chair for the students of the CEM Kamanar School. It is part of a collection of school furniture that has sought the most optimal relationship between efficiency and comfort, prioritizing making things as easy as possible for every step of the process: from design, choice of materials, construction and/or maintenance.

Designed between Barcelona and Thionck Essyl by Marc Morro for Foundawtion and CEM Kamanar. And just like the architecture of the school, the production of these pieces has been carried out with local materials and workers.

photos https://yosigo.es

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