Uterqüe Art Essays 2017


“Creativity, Art and Fashion. Synonyms of a search for beauty, the effort to tell a unique and personal story. Disciplines that have joined in history, that have mixed and created together; they can’t be understood separately. Style is architecture. Creativity is a second skin. And fashion is, always, art .”

Uterqüe Art Essays was a project I carried out in 2017 for Inditex company during the autumn and winter collection.

Two big artworks sized 250x200m each in acrylic on canvas reproducing color harmonies. This two big artworks were used as background for the photo shoot and at the same time as a color palette for the collection.

Creative direction and design by Play&Type Studio. Edtited by Uterqüe.

All the artworks are made by Claudia Valsells

images © Cesc Nogueres

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